21st Century
© Anja Tanner 2010
Oren Boneh (*1991)
Municipal Shuffle (2022) for clarinet & ensemble
Samuel Andreyev (*1981)
A Line Alone (2020) for clarinet d’amore
Passages (2005) for clarinet
Trevor Bača (*1975)
Myrkr (2015) for bass clarinet
Jesse Broekman (*1985)
To cause bones to be (2017) for contrabass clarinet
Chris Dench (*1953)
Ghosts of motion (2020) for clarinet d’amore
The Sadness of Detail (2003) for clarinet
Walter Feldmann (*1965)
« … süsses Unheil … » (2020) for clarinet d’amore & electronics
Chamber Music:
Samuel Andreyev (*1981)
La pendule de profil (2007-09) for basset horn, bassoon, viola, violoncello & double bass
Sextet in Two Parts (2019) for bass flute, basset horn, horn, percussion, piano/keyboard & violoncello
Vérifications (2012) for piccolo, musette, piccolo clarinet in A-flat, percussion, keyboard & violoncello
Brian Ferneyhough (*1943)
Liber scintillarum (2012) for flute, oboe, clarinet, violin, viola & violoncello
Beat Furrer (*1954)
Gaspra (1988) for flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, viola & violoncello
Large Ensemble:
Samuel Andreyev (*1981)
À propos du concert de la semaine dernière (2013-15) for piano and ensemble [pcl.]
In Glow of Like Seclusion (2021-22) for soprano and ensemble [cl./bcl.]
Sonata da camera (2020-21) for ensemble [d’a.]
Richard Barrett (*1959)
Construction (2011) for large ensemble []
Brian Ferneyhough (*1943)
Chronos aion (2008) for ensemble [bcl./cbcl.]
Finis terrae (2012) for ensemble & voices [cl./bcl./cbcl.]
Les froissements des ailes de Gabriel (2003) for solo guitar and ensemble [cl. 1/pcl.]
Beat Furrer (*1954)
recitativo (2005) for speaker & ensemble [cl. 2/bcl.]
Xenos-Szenen (2010) for voices & ensemble [cl. 1/bcl./cbcl.]
Jannik Giger (*1985)
Masterclass (2021) arr. for large ensemble by Richard Haynes [bhn./cacl.]
Hans Abrahmsen (*1952)
Let me tell you (2013) for soprano and orchestra [pcl./bcl]
Dieter Ammann (*1962)
Boost (2010) for orchestra [cl. 1]
Core (2002) for orchestra [cl. 1]
Turn (2010) for orchestra [cl. 1]
unbalanced instability (2011-13) for violin and orchestra [cl. 1]
Michael Jarrell (*1958)
…le ciel, tout à l’heure encore si limpide, soudain se trouble horriblement… (2009) [cl. 2/bcl.]
Liza Lim (*1966)
Annunciation Triptych (2022) [bcl.]
Opera/Music Theatre:
George Benjamin (*1960)
Written on Skin (2012) [cl. 2]
Beat Furrer (*1954)
Begehren (2003) [cl. 2/cbcl.]
Das Grosse Feuer (2025) [cl. 3/bcl./cbcl.]
Bernhard Lang (*1957)
Mondparsifal (2017) [cl. 1]
Liza Lim (*1966)
The Navigator (2008) [cl./bcl./cbcl.]
Mauricio Sotelo (*1961)
El Publico (2015) [cl. 2]
abbreviations: pcl. = piccolo clarinet; cl. = clarinet; d’a. = d’amore; btcl. = basset clarinet; bhn. = basset horn; acl. = alto clarinet; bcl. = bass clarinet; cacl. = contralto clarinet; cbcl. = contrabass clarinet